Wednesday, November 7, 2007

margaret ann's cinderella party

For Margaret Ann's 47th birthday, we threw her a surprise Cinderella party. She loved it! In fact, she was moved to tears, many times over.

Here is the moment when Cinderella arrived to crown Margaret...

Next, Margaret was whisked away for a special Cinderella makeover...

Then, when it was time to make a wish and blow out the candles, Margaret couldn't think of anything more to wish for, saying "I got it right now."

After a while, I transferred to the laptop some of the photos I had taken so I could print some off for Margaret. I also showed her some of the videos I had filmed, and she reacted as though she were reliving the moment all over again. She was a big ol' sobbing mess! Beside herself with joy, she had everyone crying. And she never tired of expressing her gratitude and love. I don't think I've ever seen anyone happier than she was on this special day.

(Scroll sideways or click the buttons on each side.)

Can you tell she was loving the attention? Cheese!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These videos and pictures made me happy to watch them. She looks so happy! That was a great idea.