Sunday, September 30, 2007

poultry-is-your-friend and the infinite inner nietzsche

A week and a half ago, when I was puking my guts up, one of the images I could not get out of my mind was the chicken I had cooked the night before. I had cooked grilled chicken and asparagus (as a follow up to the succulent and flavorful stuffed zucchini from the previous night. I was on a roll!). It was delicious and healthy, at the time; for when I was extremely ill the following day, I was sure I had poisoned myself with salmonella or some such incubus of viral plague.

Visions of trimming and preparing the chicken raced through my thoughts til I was well beyond disgusted. These are the kinds of ideas you don't want to get when you're nauseated and vomiting. You just want to clear your mind and pray it all goes away while you remain as still and quiet as you reasonably can while the room is spinning out of control.

And then there's that damn song that won't leave you alone. I don't remember which one(s) it was, but it was not the time for song! I tried to concentrate on my breathing -- could I have learned something from that one yoga class? The rise and fall of my diaphragm, the breath moving into and out of my lungs, it only kept it at bay momentarily but could not kill the music!

Anyway, I've already said it was a miserable experience. And so the success of my recent foray into healthy cooking came to a screeching halt after only two meals. But at least now I am convinced that raw chicken juice was not to blame for my misfortune, and, confidence regained, I am ready to start anew.

I grilled chicken again tonight. (--And I'm still alive! LOL.. Not funny?) This time it was for chicken salad with red grapes and pecans, served on a portuguese roll. A what? A portuguese roll. Yeah. It was damn good too.

Ready to embark on a week of inspired cooking and healthy eating. The pork chops are marinating in the fridge. Stay tuned!

that that don't kill me
can only make me stronger

(Kanye expresses his inner Nietzsche...)

work it, make it, do it,
makes us harder, better, faster, STRONGER!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

dear God
make me a bird
so I could fly far
far far away from here

Monday, September 24, 2007

authentic greek yogurt

After having read some rave reviews, I tried some Fage (pronounced: Fa'-yeh!) yogurt today. I had the classic pairing of yogurt and honey, which regularly appears at the Greek table, and found it quite tasty!

T - to the A - to the S - T - E - Y
mmm mmmm tasty...

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Two days ago I experienced what I would consider my sickest day ever. I'll spare you the details and summarize by calling it severe dizziness and vomiting. Basically, any time I moved my head, even rotating it a few degrees, it would set the world in flux and the room to spinning violently until I puked.

I've had dizzy spells many times but never to such an extreme. As you can imagine, I would lie still for hours without moving for fear of having another episode. As a result, I didn't eat or drink anything the entire day.

The doctor at the after hours clinic found me dehydrated and immediately put me on intravenous therapy. I went through two IV bags injected with Phenergan, which pretty much knocked me out and put an end to my misery.

I awoke the next day feeling much better. I had a follow up visit with my regular doctor who diagnosed me with labyrinthitis, which was "probably caused by a virus." He prescribed some Antivert to take next time I have those symptoms.

I feel like I am in recovery. Still cautious to move or look around or eat or speak... My insides are sore from all the involuntary heaving, which has also produced hundreds of tiny red spots all around my eyes when the blood vessels burst.

Today I had solid food and a caffeinated carbonated beverage. Mmm... Nothing like fast food to make you feel healthy again.

the idealist

Just took the What is Your World View quiz... Here are my results:

You scored as Idealist, Idealism centers around the belief that we are moving towards something greater. An odd mix of evolutionist and spiritualist, you see the divine within ourselves, waiting to emerge over time. Many religious traditions express how the divine spirit lost its identity, thus creating our world of turmoil, but in time it will find itself and all things will again become one.





Cultural Creative












What is Your World View?
created with

Surprise... I'm an idealist, an odd mix... FWIW

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

eat pray love

When I was selecting library books to bring to the beach a few weeks ago, I desired a good travel tale. Craving escapism, I suppose. I checked out a few books which were equally appealing to me. As a result, I've started on each one, trying to quench that desire. It's like I am anxious and cannot decide which one to go with, so I want to read them all at the same time. What is the deal?!

Yesterday, I picked up another book on my list that fits the bill. I began to read it last night, and before I knew it I was almost 50 pages in. Hooked!

Here is the account of one woman's search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia.

From the jacket flap:

By the time she turned thirty, Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern, educated, ambitious American woman was supposed to want — a husband, a house in the country, a successful career. But instead of feeling happy and fulfilled, she was consumed with panic, grief and confusion. She went through a divorce, a crushing depression, another failed love and the complete eradication of everything she ever thought she was supposed to be.

To recover from all of this, Gilbert took a radical step. In order to give herself the time and space to find out who she really was and what she really wanted, she got rid of her belongings, quit her job, left her loved ones behind and undertook a year-long journey around the world, all alone. Eat, Pray, Love is the absorbing chronicle of that year. Gilbert's aim was to visit three places where she could examine one aspect of her own nature, set against the backdrop of a culture that has traditionally done that one thing very well. In Italy, she studied the art of pleasure, learning to speak Italian and gaining the twenty-three happiest pounds of her life. India was for the art of devotion, where, with the help of a native guru and a surprisingly wise Texan, she embarked on four months of austere spiritual exploration. Finally, in Indonesia, she sought her ultimate goal: balance — namely, how to somehow build a life of equilibrium between worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence. Looking for these answers on the island of Bali, she became the pupil of an elderly, ninth-generation medicine man and also fell in love in the very best way — unexpectedly.

An intensely articulate, sensible, moving and funny memoir of self-discovery, Eat, Pray, Love is about what can happen when you claim responsibility for your own contentment. It is also about the adventures that can transpire when a woman stops trying to live in imitation of society's ideals. This is a story certain to touch anyone who has ever woken up to the unrelenting need for change.

stuffed zucchini

Stuffed Zucchini
Originally uploaded by jyew

Inspired by this mouthwatering photo... I made stuffed zucchini last night. I didn't know what to expect, since I don't remember the last time I cooked something. It actually did turn out "succulent and flavorful!" Stuffed zucchini and roasted garlic couscous. Mmm!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

one cool remove
one cool remove
and forever let me stay
one cool remove away

Monday, September 17, 2007

omg pops is cooked

at my dad's 71st birthday party... he had a blast.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

rustic comfort

I took the What's Your Design Style quiz... Check out the results!

Rustic Comfort

The verdict is in, but there's a twist. Your design style is a combination: part updated country, part ethnic flair, both with a contemporary look and feel. You need a home with casual and practical style – an environment that'll work for kids, pets, company and more. The emphasis is on simple yet attractive, durable furniture will hold up over time while your colorful accessories energize and entertain for years.

"The furniture for this design style could be contemporary or traditional, says Julie Rackley, an interior designer in Bellevue, Washington. "The common threads are comfort and durability" That means easy-to-clean synthetic blends like micro-fiber, which cleans up swiftly with a sponge. (So long silk!) Function is a key consideration as well. A multi-purpose ottoman that doubles as a coffee table or storage unit would work for you.

Design Tip for Rustic Comfort

Choose color! Dress up your functional style with worldly colors, borrowing from Mediterranean and Hacienda styles. Try high energy colors like sunny yellows and oranges, but don't forget the popular jewel tones for a splash of elegance in the dining room or bedroom. "For 2008, we're going to see a new direction in red, towards bluer jewel tones," says Becky Ralich Spak, a senior designer At Sherwin Williams. "Shades of violet and deep purples that have been absent for so long are going to start showing up again. These energizing colors are also elegant."

Need inspiration for your combination style? Find dozens of sophisticated decorating ideas in Designers' Portfolio

a day at the beach (remix)

Friday, September 14, 2007


Matt and Bucky competed in the Rails Rumble this past weekend. After 48 continuous hours of coding, they ended up with Gigasaurus, a band and venue gig management application.

Our application is a gig sharing and rating site. The application aims to be a central gig administration point for both venues and bands, as well as a hub for bands and venues to connect with other bands and venues. Bands and venues are able to create gigs and invite other bands to join the gig. Other bands on the site will be able to find gigs with empty slots and request to join the gig.

After the gig, all participating bands will be allowed to rate the other bands and leave feedback. The rating score is aggregated and an overall score is kept.

If you would like to help them out, please vote. (Registration required.)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

how will you know if you found me at last
'cause i'll be the one, be the one, be the one
with my heart in my lap
i'm so tired, i'm so tired
i wish i was the moon tonight

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

lost in the sounds

i hear in my mind all these voices
i hear in my mind all these words
i hear in my mind all this music
and it breaks my heart

Monday, September 10, 2007

it came from the 90s, part 1

Sophie B. Hawkins sent me an email asking me to vote for her song on
"Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover" was selected by as one of the "100 Greatest Songs of the 90’s!". Cast your vote for Sophie. Your vote will determine the countdown order. Encourage your friends to vote. You can vote more than once.
Vote, baby, vote! Who remembers Sophie at the Varsity? What about the House of Blues? Hell yeah I was there. Good times. Free condoms.

dancing barefoot

I finished reading Dancing Barefoot this weekend. It's a book of short stories by Wil Wheaton that I happened to find it at the library when I was picking out some books to bring to the beach last weekend. I started reading it at the beach, but I had to stop just after the first story, Houses in Motion. It tapped into something and made me feel incredibly sad. It's a great story. If you get the chance to read it, let me know what you think. I enjoyed the rest of the book as well.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Just got back from my first yoga experience.

It totally kicked my ass.

When I learned that a yoga studio was opening down the street from where I live, I got excited. It is something I have always wanted to try. I've read a lot over the years about the benefits of practicing yoga, and I am at a point in my life where I not only strongly desire such benefits but feel that I desperately need them: reduced stress and anxiety, increased strength and flexibility... and most importantly, balance. I want and need balance.

Today was open house and they were giving free classes all day. I chose to attend the basics class. When I arrived, I was nervous. When I entered the room, I felt intimidated. The first thing the instructor said was "Who has never been to yoga?" My hand was the only one that went up, and everyone looked at me as I was trying to get settled since I was the last one to arrive and had to take the only empty spot available, right next to the instructor. Nervous, intimidated, out of place. Did I mention I was the fattest one in the class?

I had no idea what I was getting into. I thought we would be stretching and breathing, basically; holding a few poses while focusing on breathing and clearing the mind, right? Yoga basics...

It was so hard!!

Because I am so fat, I had trouble breathing in some of the stances -- sad but true -- which sort of defeats the point, right? Like I needed another reason to lose weight... Thus the negativity entered my mind and pushed out some of the enthusiasm and excitement. Also, because I am so out of shape, I couldn't hold some of the poses. Before long, I was sweating profusely and getting weak. Eventually, I had to break from what the class was doing and just sit. I suppose the weakness just signals how much help I need, how far I have to go, but in that moment it was infuriating. I did not want to give up.

I returned to the first pose and tried to calm down and focus on my breathing. At this point, I was glad I had my back to the rest of the class so I couldn't see their faces. I was soaked. I thought, well at least I'm getting some kind of workout, right? I was determined to hold on till they were done, whether I could participate or not. I turned and looked around... Some of the more advanced students were doing some really incredible things -- things which, before this class, would not have seemed nearly as impressive. But now I knew the amount of skill involved. I wondered if I could ever get that good, get to the point where I could contort my body like that, and with as little effort as they were displaying. I grew hopeful again.

When the class got on their backs, working towards a cool down, I decided I could participate. I joined them again. They continued to do amazing things, and I continued to watch, taking care not to hurt myself or pass out. Then I found something I could handle: corpse pose. I guess that one is self-explanatory. LOL! Baby steps, right?

The class ended on a positive note. As soon as we were dismissed, the instructor looked directly at me and said "Are you OK?" At least she waited and didn't disrupt the class to check on me earlier. I had suffered enough embarrassment, even if it was only in my mind.

On my way out, the girl at the front desk was asking how I liked it. When I told her how difficult I found it and how much trouble I had, she exchanged looks with another girl there who was listening, and they both smiled and nodded, as though they had anticipated such a response. That's when they decided to mention that this particular instructor is really tough. They suggested that I come back and try one of the yoga basics classes they offer. I said "I thought this was the basics class, that's why I chose this one..." They gave each other that look again and told me not to base my decision on that class and that instructor, and that I should come back and try some other classes.

Will I go back? I want to. I suppose that as long as I work at my own pace I'll be OK. The girl at the front desk tried to encourage me by saying that since I am such a novice I'd have the greatest results. Is this the beginning of something great? We shall see.

Friday, September 7, 2007

It's a joke but it's not funny.

now my life is complete, part 1

Guess what I just stumbled upon...

DVD, website, cafepress merchandise...

One is too many. A thousand's not enough.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

putting the damage on

don't make me scratch on you door
i never left you
for a banjo
i only just turned around for a poodle
and a corvette
and my impression
of my best angie dickinson
but now i've got to worry
'cause boy you still look pretty
when you're putting the damage on

i'm trying not to move
it's just your ghost
passing through

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

a day at the beach

a day at the beach

Went to the beach this weekend. This beach trip was different from others. I don't know if it has to do with the location or the time of year or what, but the waves in Orange Beach were much calmer than what we are used to in the area between Pensacola and Panama City Beach. Also, the crowd I would have expected for a holiday weekend never showed. Made for a nice relaxing getaway.

Another thing that sets this visit apart from other previous trips to the beach -- and definitely a highlight... Look who we had to share the beach with!

devil rays

What an exciting surprise! Between the margaritas, playing with the rays and hunting for seashells, we had a great day at the beach.

More pics here.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

what to do with all this excitement?!

i'm on a path to meeting another goal. smile.

Monday, September 3, 2007

worm buckets

worm buckets
Originally uploaded by cæsar

anyone...? anyone...? bueller?

and don't forget the accessories