Sunday, September 30, 2007

poultry-is-your-friend and the infinite inner nietzsche

A week and a half ago, when I was puking my guts up, one of the images I could not get out of my mind was the chicken I had cooked the night before. I had cooked grilled chicken and asparagus (as a follow up to the succulent and flavorful stuffed zucchini from the previous night. I was on a roll!). It was delicious and healthy, at the time; for when I was extremely ill the following day, I was sure I had poisoned myself with salmonella or some such incubus of viral plague.

Visions of trimming and preparing the chicken raced through my thoughts til I was well beyond disgusted. These are the kinds of ideas you don't want to get when you're nauseated and vomiting. You just want to clear your mind and pray it all goes away while you remain as still and quiet as you reasonably can while the room is spinning out of control.

And then there's that damn song that won't leave you alone. I don't remember which one(s) it was, but it was not the time for song! I tried to concentrate on my breathing -- could I have learned something from that one yoga class? The rise and fall of my diaphragm, the breath moving into and out of my lungs, it only kept it at bay momentarily but could not kill the music!

Anyway, I've already said it was a miserable experience. And so the success of my recent foray into healthy cooking came to a screeching halt after only two meals. But at least now I am convinced that raw chicken juice was not to blame for my misfortune, and, confidence regained, I am ready to start anew.

I grilled chicken again tonight. (--And I'm still alive! LOL.. Not funny?) This time it was for chicken salad with red grapes and pecans, served on a portuguese roll. A what? A portuguese roll. Yeah. It was damn good too.

Ready to embark on a week of inspired cooking and healthy eating. The pork chops are marinating in the fridge. Stay tuned!

that that don't kill me
can only make me stronger

(Kanye expresses his inner Nietzsche...)

work it, make it, do it,
makes us harder, better, faster, STRONGER!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please do not promote Kanye's ego while bragging about your progress lol I can totally sympathize. The mind often terrorizes you at inappropriate moments, doesn't it? Raw chicken, BAD! Pom-Pom, BAD!