Saturday, September 22, 2007


Two days ago I experienced what I would consider my sickest day ever. I'll spare you the details and summarize by calling it severe dizziness and vomiting. Basically, any time I moved my head, even rotating it a few degrees, it would set the world in flux and the room to spinning violently until I puked.

I've had dizzy spells many times but never to such an extreme. As you can imagine, I would lie still for hours without moving for fear of having another episode. As a result, I didn't eat or drink anything the entire day.

The doctor at the after hours clinic found me dehydrated and immediately put me on intravenous therapy. I went through two IV bags injected with Phenergan, which pretty much knocked me out and put an end to my misery.

I awoke the next day feeling much better. I had a follow up visit with my regular doctor who diagnosed me with labyrinthitis, which was "probably caused by a virus." He prescribed some Antivert to take next time I have those symptoms.

I feel like I am in recovery. Still cautious to move or look around or eat or speak... My insides are sore from all the involuntary heaving, which has also produced hundreds of tiny red spots all around my eyes when the blood vessels burst.

Today I had solid food and a caffeinated carbonated beverage. Mmm... Nothing like fast food to make you feel healthy again.


Anonymous said...

I am glad you are better. Take it easy and get some rest. If you need anything, let me know. Hugs!

buttasand said...

omgoodness. i am so sorry. that sounds impressively horrible. hope to hear you are better soon.