Thursday, August 30, 2007

hydrangeas and wagons

I just noticed that I have been taking steps towards accomplishing some of my goals without even realizing it. I've been drinking a lot more water lately, which is probably a result of longer work days (thank you mandatory overtime) rather than a conscious decision, though I had intended to make it a conscious decision at some point (thus the goal part), but now I don't have to because since it's been going on for several weeks now it's pretty much automatic. How about that! Yay for hydration! And for hydrangeas! And for run-on sentences? Lame... I ruined it! But wait! There's more!! I've been enjoying healthy snacks and also making healthier choices for breakfast. I'm ramping up onto the wagon, again, and so far it's an easy ride. Here's to good health. Just thought I would share. I'm working on goals and it's a good feeling. Excited?


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Good luck with that! :)

Anonymous said...

I am proud of you. Can you rub some of that motivation and positivism off on me?