Thursday, August 30, 2007

blog fever and the unclutter

In an effort to un-clutter my life... I just spent some time removing subscriptions to blogs I never read. So far I managed to whittle the list down to 206 subscriptions. (Yeah, I started with 269. Get over it.) No wonder I never seem to catch up! I promise to continue to chip away until we reach a manageable amount of blogs. Stay tuned...

In other unclutterer news... Learn how to detach yourself from stuff and make the case for de-cluttering your life right now. Why does this subject always resonate with me? Don't you ever just want to simplify your life and purge it all?? Who's with me?


Anonymous said...

I hope you didn't delete me :-( I am decluttering my house, if that counts.

chez caesar said...

of course i didn't!

yes it counts!